• Welcome to Team Polaris! We are looking forward to a productive year. In order to have a successful school year, please come to school prepared to learn. A positive attitude and being ready for class on a daily basis is essential to your success. Please review the following team procedures.


    You are permitted to visit your locker at the following times during the school day. Please do not stop at your locker any other time.


    blue checkmark image   Before 1st Period


    blue checkmark image   Before & After Resource


    blue checkmark image   At the End of the Day


    Absences & Attendance:

    Attendance will be taken every morning in homeroom. All students are required to be in homeroom by 7:30 AM, thereafter they are late and must report to the front office. Students who are absent must have a parent do one of the following: email or call the main office. 


    To receive credit, homework must be completed when the teacher is checking/collecting the assignment. If you fail to complete an assignment on time, you are still responsible for the work and material that you missed. Completed homework assignments are essential for success on quizzes, tests, and other assessments.



    All assessments are expected to be turned in on the assigned due dates. Failure to do so could lower your grade.



    Resource is a 47 minute work session during 5th period on B days. During resource, Team Polaris students are quiet and on task. All work and materials need to be with you at the start of resource. If you need to see a teacher, you must get a pass from that teacher prior to resource.


    SSR Books:

    Team Polaris teachers and students participate in SSR frequently. A personal reading book (SSR) needs to be carried with you to all academic classes.