• Watch and Respond
    Watch these 2 short videos and respond in the blog below:
  • Video List
    Growth Mindset - Overview -

    Growth Mindset - Overview

    This 3 minute video is a nice overview of what it means to have a Growth Mindset and the implications of long-term success when believing we have a Growth Mindset.

    Author: ???
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Angela Duckworth's TED Talk

  • Video List
    Angela Duckworth: Grit -

    Angela Duckworth: Grit

    Angela Duckworth is one of the gurus of measuring grit and researching short and long term successes.  She has worked alongside Dr. Carol Dweck, author of Mindset.  This 8 minute TED Talk is a powerful overview of the long-term benefits of having a Growth Mindset.

    Author: ???
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NBC Broadcast: True Grit

  • Can Grit be taught and measured?  The KIPP School in New York City thinks so.  Watch this 8 minute video here:   Be sure to blog your thoughts after watching this and the Angela Duckworth video.

Blog Post: TED Talk and NBC Broadcast reactions

  • Duckworth and NBC Broadcast Blog

    Posted by SUZANNE DAILEY on 5/29/2015
    What resonates with you as an adult?  What would you want to resonate most with your students?
    Please create a new posting and respond to at least TWO colleague's posts.
    Comments (57)


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