• Sustaining Concepts
    Watch this CB Video that highlights Sinead Doherty's 4th grade class at Buckingham Elementary.

Buckingham Elementary has GRIT!

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    4th Graders have GRIT! -

    4th Graders have GRIT!

    Look what happens when grit becomes a part of the classroom's DNA.  Special thanks to Sinead Doherty, teacher at Buckingham Elementary, for allowing us to capture the magic in her classroom!

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4th Grade Blog Post

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  • As you watched this video, what impressed you most? What from the video do you want to take back to your classroom starting in September

    Posted by SUZANNE DAILEY on 5/29/2015
    Comments (42)


By Month

Nico's Story

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    Nico's Story -

    Nico's Story

    This is a powerful 2 minute video that shows children and adults the power of grit and perseverance!

    Author: ???
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Language Game Changers

  • When I learned about this, I was changed as a teacher and as a parent.  The language we use with children absolutely helps them understand what it means to have a Growth Mindset.  Please take 3 minutes to watch this Screencast - I hope it is a game changer for you too!
  • Please add to your Start, Stop, Continue to hang onto your good ideas! (document is located in the welcome section of this course)

Literature Links

  • Examining character traits are an excellent way to begin conversations about grit, resiliency, determination, and perseverance.  Here are some great books that will help support the ideas of Growth Mindset.  The titles with stars near them indicate the best ones to start with.

Literature Link Blog Response

  • Have you used any of these books already? If so, name 1 or 2 that are your favorites and why. Do you have other titles in mind that could help highlight components of grit, resiliency, and determination? If so, please share them with the group.

    Posted by SUZANNE DAILEY on 5/29/2015
    Comments (45)


By Month