• Pre-Team Swim Clinic New Participant Registration 2024 

    The fall 2024 clinic is over. Please consider our spring clinic. Information about that is posted at this link. For the fall 2025 clinic, check back on this page in May/June 2025.

    You are a new participant if you were not a member of CBST-SAL during the 2023-2024 season and were not a participant in our Spring 2024 Swim Clinic at CB South, who received an email stating that you could sign up for the pre-team clinic as a return member. (Swimmers who were on the team during the 2023-2024 season and/or participated in the Spring 2024 Swim Clinic at CB South and received an email stating that you could sign-up for the pre-team clinic as a return member should follow the link for returning participants.)

    New participants must submit the pre-registration form (see below) via email and then will be provided with a link to sign-up for an evaluation. 

    Evaluations will be held in August (see the sign-up link which will be emailed when available after your pre-registration form is received, for dates, time, location). (Note that if you sign-up for an evaluation for the clinic, you do NOT need to also sign-up for a separate team evaluation as clinic participants are evaluated as part of this program for our CBST-SAL team.)

    Note that evaluations will involve swimming several laps and swimmers will be asked to show what they are able to swim for each of the four competitive strokes (freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly).

    Click here to get a better understanding of swim clinic evaluations and the best way to present them to your child.

    Placement in the clinic is on a first-come, first-served basis (based on pre-registration form receipt/evaluation sign-up).

    Registration Process:

    1.  Email your completed Pre-Team Clinic Pre-Registration Form to Jennifer Steinberg (jsteinberg@cbsd.org) at your earliest convenience. Evaluations begin in early August and available evaluations will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis.

    2.  Provide Swim Team Physical for Grades K-8 either via email to Jennifer Steinberg at the above email address or bring a paper copy to the evaluation (see physical form requirements below)

    • Physical form must be dated 9/1/2022 or after for the 2024 clinic.
    • Physical form must be signed by the medical provider completing the physical exam.
    • The form here is provided for your convenience. However, any completed and correctly dated, doctor-signed physical form will be accepted.
    • Our programs require a new physical form each fall (even if the one you provided in the prior year is not out-of-date).
    • Always keep a copy of your physical form for your records and for your use with this and other programs in the future.

    3. Sign-up for an evaluation (sign-up link to be provided via email when available after completed pre-registration form is received). Attend evaluation.

    4.  After evaluations, swimmers evaluated as ready for the clinic will need to be signed-up through our online portal. This sign-up will include payment. Instructions (including deadline) will be provided by email after your evaluation.


    Please see CB Aquatics FAQ Document available here.
    For additional questions, email Jennifer Steinberg: jsteinberg@cbsd.org.