• Introducing Concepts to Students

    Check out some of the ways teachers in CB introduce the concept of

    growth mindset to their students!

Kobe Bryant has Grit!

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    Kobe Bryant has Grit! -

    Kobe Bryant has Grit!

    How do athletes get better and better?  They PRACTICE!  They WORK HARD! They PERSIST!  Check out this video to see all of these qualities in action.

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Introductory Activities

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    Introducing Grit to Students - 4th grade example -

    Introducing Grit to Students - 4th grade example

    Here is an edited version of a 45 minute lesson I do with students to introduce the concept of Grit to elementary students.  Modifications of this lesson have been done in grades K-6!  After this lesson we read Leo the Lightning Bug and students hold up an index card with th word GRIT on it when they notice the main character showing grit.  After that, I show the Brave clip and the students do the same as "Grit Detectives"!

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  • Video List
    Brave Clip to show after sanding activity -

    Brave Clip to show after sanding activity

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Introductory Activities Response

  • As you reviewed the given resources, what ideas do you want to try in the Fall? Please remember to Respond to at least two colleague's posts.

    Posted by SUZANNE DAILEY on 5/29/2015
    Comments (27)


By Month

    Please add to your Introduce, Sustain, & Extend to hang onto your good ideas! (document is located in the welcome section of this course)