• Service Academy Process

  • Nomination Process


    Before students can apply to the Service Academies, students will need a nomination from an elected official, during the Spring/Summer of 11th grade.

    1. Apply to the 2 PA senators, your Congressional representative & the Vice President.  If you are NOT nominated through any of these competitive processes, you could still be placed on a national wait list.
    2. Nominators evaluate candidates during the summer and make decisions in early fall. Applicants need to visit each official’s website for specific nomination instructions & timelines.
    3. Once you have submitted your nomination applications, apply to each Service Academy application through their websites.




    Freshman & Sophomore Year


    • Earn A’s & B’s throughout high school
    • Take challenging college-prep courses and honors an AP where possible
    • Take the PSAT (students will take the ACT/SAT at the end of 11th grade)

     Leadership – Position yourself to become a leader by 11th grade

    • Participate in clubs or organizations in your community, school, or church.
    • Work toward becoming a leader in the organizations to which you belong.
    • Ask a teacher, coach or guidance counselor to help you find ways to serve.

     Physical – Improve your physical strength and endurance

    • Participate in intramural sports or join one of your school’s athletic teams
    • RUN! & Practice the Candidate Fitness Assessment events


    Junior Year

    Start Early

    • Applying to the Service Academies takes more time than applying to other colleges. Although the application opens in January of your junior year, we recommend beginning your application process in late May or early June. You will continuously update it over the course of the following year.  

    Explore the Campuses

    • Visit each campus to learn about cadet life. Learn everything you can while you’re there!

    Attend the Summer Leaders Experience

    • Apply to attend the Service Academies’ week-long summer program during the summer prior to senior year. You will experience firsthand what it means to be a cadet. It is possible to do multiple summer programs.
      • Use these following links - - -

    Sharpen Academic Skills

    • Take college-preparatory & AP courses to sharpen your academic abilities.
    • Take the SAT/ACT in the Spring of 11th grade. Some Academies will accept your highest composite test score (Air Force) while others will take your Super-Score (Army, Navy).

    Be a Leader-Assume leadership positions in school, church, scouting, athletics & community activities. Show that you have experience to build upon.

    Get Fit

    • Improve your physical conditioning through cross-country running and swimming.
    • RUN! & join a strenuous team sport.
    • Practice for the , an admission requirement.

    Senior Year


    • Continue to perform your personal best in high school academics, athletics and extracurricular activities.
      • Earn A’s and B’s in the toughest courses you can take
      • Do especially well in calculus, trigonometry, and physics
      • Excel on the athletic field
      • Become a leader in school gov’t, clubs or other organizations
    • Visit Campus
      • Spend a day with a cadet
      • Schedule an overnight visit
    • Monitor Your Cadet File
      • Have you sent your nomination requests?
      • Have you sent your ACT & SAT test scores?
      • Have you complete the necessary forms and assessments?
      • Have your prepared for the Candidate Fitness Assessment?