• The following types of documents will be considered no longer educationally relevant at the expiration of six years from the date of the student’s graduation from or when they are no longer enrolled in the District: (a) permissions to evaluate or reevaluate; (b) evaluation and reevaluation reports; (c) invitations to IEP/GIEP team meetings; (d) IEPs/GIEPs and IEP/GIEP revisions; and (e) notices of recommended educational placement or prior written notices.

    As of June 30, 2025, special education/gifted records of students who graduated or moved in June 2019 will be destroyed unless the office is notified by June 30, 2025 by the individual requesting his/her records.  Please notify Linda Coyle at lcoyle@cbsd.org or call 267-893-2031.  Thank you!