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You can find the area by counting the number of squares of a certain size that cover the region inside the boundary. Area is measured in squared units such as squared centimeters or squared inches. Perimeter The distance around the boundary of a 2 dimensional shape. Use a formula to find the area of rectangles, triangles, and parallelograms Math Journal Page 310, 313, 314 Study Link 9.6Identify the base and height of triangles and parallelograms Math Journal Page 313Convert linear measurements within the same system to the unit immediately above or below the given unit.Math Journal Page 327 and 328 See page 431 as the student will be able to use the measurement conversion tablesUnderstand the concept of volume of a figure A measure of how much space a solid object takes up. Volume is measured in cubic units such as cubic centimeters or cubic inches. Capacity is the amount a container can hold usually in gallons, pints, cups, fluid ounces, liters, or milliliters.Use a formula to find the volume of prismsMath Journal Page 322 Math Journal Page 324-325B Study Link 9.9  $',CHrs  = ?  ﶧqfqVIVIVIV9h:hDV5CJOJQJaJhDV5CJOJQJaJh:hDV5CJOJQJaJhDV5OJQJaJh:hDV5OJQJaJhaJ5OJQJaJhaJhDV5CJOJQJaJhaJh:CJOJQJh+5>*CJ,OJQJaJ"haJh:5>*CJ,OJQJaJhDV5CJOJQJaJh/y5CJOJQJaJhi0&5CJOJQJaJhi0&hi0&5CJOJQJaJCs % > ? 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