• Mrs. Allie Riegel
    School Counselor
    Office Phone Number 267-893-3510

    Positive Student/Community Recognition Plan

    At Jamison, we understand the importance of creating a positive school environment where students are recognized and celebrated. That is why we have a positive student / community recognition plan. After all, our students deserve “nothing less than our best!”


    Character Counts Award:

    Students can be nominated for the current monthly asset that is discussed at school. Students that receive a nomination will receive a certificate at our monthly assembly. Our school-wide winner will receive a certificate and a Jamison Jet T-Shirt.


    We Salute You Award:

    This is a monthly award given to a student that a staff member feels exemplifies “nothing less than your best!” This award can be given to a student that goes out of his/her way to help a friend, is a great classmate or gives 110% in everything that he/she does. The selected student will receive a certificate at our monthly assembly as well as a Jamison Jet T-Shirt.


    JET Tickets:

    When students are “caught being good” by a staff member, the student will be given a JET ticket. The student must write his/her name on the ticket and circle the appropriate character trait (Respect / Responsibility / Safe Community / Sportsmanship). Students may place the JET tickets in the ticket box located outside of the main office. Three students will be randomly drawn at our monthly assembly and will be given a Jamison Jet T-Shirt.


    Honorary Jets:

    Each month, someone in our JET community will be recognized for all that he/she does to serve the Jamison community.


    Classroom Recognition:

    Each classroom teacher has their own specific way to build a positive classroom climate.