• Jamison Library Policies and Information
    Library Class
    • Kindergarten students visit the library once per 5 day rotation for 30 minutes.  The time during library is spent hearing a story, discussing the story, and checking out a book.
    • Students in grades 1-6, visit the library once per 5 day rotation for 40 minutes.  The time is spent learning about the library, hearing a story, learning how to complete research, checking out books, and much more! 
    Book Checkout
    • Kindergarten:  1 book checked out at a time from the "E" (Everybody) picture book or Easy Nonfiction section
    • 1st Grade:  1 book checked out at a time from the "E" (Everybody) picture book or Easy Nonfiction section
      • Approx. halfway through 1st grade, Fiction chapter books will be introduced and students will be offered a selection of age appropriate titles to select from in those sections, as well.  At this point, the 1st grade students will be allowed to have 2 books checked out at a time.
    • 2nd Grade:  2 books checked out at a time from the Everybody, Fiction, or Nonfiction sections.
    • 3rd - 6th Grades:  3 books checked out at a time from the Everybody, Fiction, or Nonfiction sections.

    *The librarian will monitor and guide student book choices and offer suggestions during the book checkout portion of library special.


    Students will be given time each week during library class to pick out new books. 

    Jamison Library has an open door policy with book exchange.  Students are welcome to exchange books, with their teachers permission, during the school day.  It is not necessary for a student to wait until his/her next library class to get new books! 

    Students are not permitted to check out new books if they have many overdue books and/or a lost/ damaged book fine. 


    Lost and Damaged Books and Library Materials

    If a book or other library material is lost or damaged, it is the students responsibility to pay the replacement cost of the book.  The librarian will issue weekly reminders (either verbal, with a paper receipt print out, or an email or phone call to the parents or guardians) to those who have forgotten their books. 

    Library materials replacement fees can be paid in either cash or check, made payable to Jamison Student Activity Account and turned in to the librarian.  

    If the lost library material is found during the same school year and turned in to the library, a refund will be issued back to the student/family of the lost book. 

    Please contact the school librarian at tsalter@cbsd.org if you have any questions.